Winter Weather and Skin Xerosis

Winter Weather and Skin Xerosis

Understanding Skin Xerosis in Winter

Wintertime is so special. It brings Christmas, family gatherings, the New Year, unique winter sports (skiing, sledding and skating), and for many of us, DRY SKIN.  Yes, the same dry, cold weather that provides so much fun can result in the misery of intractable itch that accompanies dehydrated, flaking skin. For some this is simply a nuisance, but for others it eventuates in true skin diseases such as eczema and atopic dermatitis. Skin dryness (or xerosis) can also contribute to worsening symptoms of other skin conditions like psoriasis. One common thread in all xerosis is skin barrier impairment, an interruption in the skin’s integrity that holds in moisture. So, one key is to hydrate the skin with a good moisturizer.

Tips for Managing Winter Dry Skin

As a dermatologist and an individual who has xerotic skin, I look for specific features in my moisturizers:
  • One that absorbs well and doesn’t leave skin feeling greasy or sticky several minutes after application.
  • Spreadability, providing easy and quick application for those of us who are always in a hurry.
  • Ingredients that are effective for hydrating the skin (humectants) and/or help reduce inflammation. These might include hyaluronic acid, glycerin, dimethicone and/or niacinamide.
  • No irritation from its preservatives or other ingredients. I specifically avoid fragrances, parabens and a preservative called methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone (in Kathon CG™).
Other recommendations include:
  • Apply baby oil or mineral oil to your wet skin at the end of a shower prior to patting dry. This helps seal in moisture
  • Apply any moisturizer to damp skin for the same reason. Re-apply moisturizer several times per day if possible.
  • Avoid super-hot water in showers or baths. Heat dilates blood vessels and causes the skin to heat up and helps moisture evaporate.
  • Keep the air in your home moist with a humidifier.

Recommended Products for Skin Repair

One newer moisturizer which my family and I have enjoyed using is Proteya Intensive Skin Repair Lotion. In addition to having the ingredients described above, it contains NiaZyme, an advanced protease technology with anti-inflammatory properties. With a body lotion, facial lotion and cleanser available, it fulfills many of my family’s personal skin care needs. The Proteya Daily Facial Cleanser stands out among other similar products in that it is particularly good for those with sensitive skin.  In addition, Proteya Daily Facial Moisturizer contains myristyl nicotinate which has been proven to restore skin barrier function in photo damaged skin. My patients who suffer from eczema have particularly enjoyed and appreciated the Proteya line of products. Several have commented that they hope to see expanded offerings before too long.
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