treating dry skin

Dos and Don'ts when treating dry skin


While dry skin is more common in the winter, it can develop at any time. Lifestyle changes, such as wearing moisturizers and avoiding long, hot showers and baths, can help those with dry skin. If your skin is extremely dry, your doctor may recommend a specific moisturizing treatment. 

We've put together some recommendations on maintaining your skin soft, smooth, and supple no matter what Mother Nature throws at you. 

  • Apply a high quality moisturizing body lotion

Applying a moisturizing body lotion after each shower or bath is a daily must. When water evaporates from the skin, it removes the skin's natural moisture barrier with it. Help maintain your soft skin by using an excellent body and face moisturizer. Our personal favorite is Proteya’s Intensive Skin Repair Lotion whose dermatologist-approved formula nourishes all skin types, leaving dry, itchy, or sensitive skin feeling refreshed and beautiful.  

  • Be aware of the environment you are in

When it's cold outside, we all know that our skin gets drier, but long days spent outside in the spring and summer wind can also add to skin dryness. The best tip is to always wear an SPF cream and moisturize your skin in the morning and at night.

  • Layer your skincare properly

Skincare should be layered on top of one another, and hydrating body lotion should always be used. Applying a serum before applying your morning hydrating moisturizer will help seal it in and make it last longer. It is important to layer skincare products correctly to work together. As a general guideline, start with the thinnest product and work your way up. Using a moisturizer first will make it difficult for the serum to penetrate the cream. Using a good quality face moisturizer after the serum will make it easier for the cream to penetrate the serum and reach your skin. Mark your calendars for Proteya’s next product release which is a facial lotion! 

  • Find proper time to rest

Skin dehydration can be exacerbated by stress and sleep deprivation. When you get enough sleep, your body has time to restore itself and prepare for the next day. When we see more pronounced fine lines and bags under our eyes due to skipping out on this time, we know our bodies aren't performing at their peak.

Home remedies to deal with dry skin

To alleviate the symptoms of dry skin, a person might turn to a range of natural therapies. Unless otherwise noted, the treatments listed below can all be used as moisturizers. After a shower or bath, apply a daily moisturizer to your skin and let it absorb.

  • Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a natural oil that can heal dry skin. Skin moisture and the amount of lipids (fats) on the skin's surface were found to be greatly improved. Coconut oil includes saturated fatty acids, which have emollient effects. Emollients are fats or oils that fill in the voids left by dry skin, resulting in a smoother surface.

  • Oatmeal-based baths

Dry skin can be alleviated by bathing in oatmeal powder as it acts as a body lotion for dry skin. Dry skin may benefit from oatmeal extracts, which have been discovered to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. 

Steps to avoid dry, flaky skin 

  • Avoid taking long hot showers

What if you're a fan of long, steamy baths yet have dry skin? There's a problem with that. The skin is stripped of crucial moisture when washed for too long in hot water. Reducing shower time and heat will contribute to healthier, more balanced skin. Showers lasting five to ten minutes at a mild temperature are ideal. Don't forget to use your Proteya Intensive Skin Repair lotion afterward for long-lasting effects. 

  • Don't over-exfoliate

Many people over-exfoliate because they believe that the rougher they are, they look better. Exfoliators and peels can be dangerous when used in excess. Skin dryness and even skin damage can be caused by this. Toxic over-exfoliation damages the skin barrier, resulting in dryness and maybe irritation. Choosing a gentle face exfoliant or face peel, or better yet, visiting a skin care specialist who knows just how much and how often to use, is a good idea if your skin is naturally dry.


  • Talk to your dermatologist

Make an appointment with a dermatologist if you've exhausted all of your options when it comes to skincare products and your dry skin continues to persist. Making an appointment with a certified dermatologist will give you peace of mind knowing that your skin will be examined and given a treatment plan along with proper product recommendations. Your skin will return to its silky, youthful state! 

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